Dear Leonard. To look life in the face. Always to look life in the face and to know it for what it is. At last to know it. To love it for what it is, and then, to put it away. Leonard. Always the years between us. Always the years. Always the love. Always the hours.
plz don't be an emotional wreckage... 是我很不喜欢的一类电影不是拍得难看而是看的过程太颠覆、感知到太多痛苦但无法打出低分因为内心实实在在地震颤了Emily Watson的演出惊为天人所以连自己的稳定性都无法保证的人要如何去爱如同海上漂泊的扁舟挖洞人只能游荡在他者的巨浪之上直至覆灭