Edward Norton的出道电影在里面他本是个配角但是给我的感受却有一点和日本电影『催眠』里的菅野美穗很像——抢尽了主角的风头~虽然Richard Gere也演得很好无奈Norton的角色实在抢眼而我又最迷恋这种神经质的演法了~(给我同样感受的还有黄秋生和渡部笃郎)本片汇集了我爱看的两大元素多重人格的疯狂表演和精彩刺激的法庭攻辩两个多小时的电影却越看越有感觉~最后再忍不住赞一下Norton给电影大大加分~(我欣赏的第一个西方男星啊~)爱他表演的人都要看看这片噢~
Although, I think, the end is too sad for a hero, it still deserves 5 stars. John Woo, as the screenwriter and director, was fantastic. Chou Yun-fat was really handsome and humorous, heroic and loving in it. His counterpart Sau-Yin Lee acted well too. Tears fulfilled my eyes.